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Multimedia Journalism: Blog2
  • Allan Bush

Lab 3 Blog Post

For this lab, I had a lot of fun going back to some of the places that I considered to be my mom' culture in the United States. I got to visit the apartment that I was raised in before kindergarten, and remember some of the few memories I had of that place. I was able to drive around to the buildings where my grandpa on my dad's side lived, my mom's sister and their mom lived, and a few family friends we had in the same complex. And going back to see some of the stores that we would frequent until we moved to Macomb Township. I've heard my mom's story about immigrating to the United States, and the struggles she had and now has to struggle with being so far away from friends, family, and the stores she frequented that made her feel like she was at home away from home. Overall, this lab was very fun, and I would like to do more labs like this. Going out to take pictures of places I recognized or had a connection to, and to mess around with my website to make it all work together in one clean and easy post.

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